
Back • 24/10/2024

HTTP: How Does It Work?

Written by Melvyn Malherbe on 24/10/2024

If there's one thing you'll use constantly in your developer career, it's network requests.

Whether you're working on a mobile app, a website, or even a video game, network requests over HTTP are almost always involved.

When I started coding, I found it quite complicated, so I'll try to explain it simply.

HTTP = Protocol

HTTP stands for:

  • Hyper
  • Text
  • Transfer
  • Protocol

And that last word, protocol, is very important. You might wonder:

What is a protocol?

A protocol is a kind of convention. Let's take the most well-known one in the world: The Postal Service.

We agree that when you send a letter:

  • The stamp is something arbitrary defined by humans, but we know that if there's a stamp, it means you've paid the postage.
  • The recipient's address written on the same side as the stamp and the return address on the back is, again, arbitrary.
  • The addresses and their format are also arbitrary.

Ultimately, the postal service is a protocol. Why? Because a protocol is just a set of rules that both parties know.

If you know the postal rules and follow them, when you hand your letter to the postal service, they will know exactly what to do with it.

That's a protocol.

The HTTP Protocol

Similarly, HTTP defines a lot of rules. There are two parts:

  1. The request sent by the client
  2. The response sent by the server

Both are simply text:

const request = 'Blablabla';
const response = 'What are you saying?';

Except this text is formatted very precisely. Every character is important.

A request and a response have what we call a header. The header provides information about this request or response.

Here's an example of a header to fetch users from my server,

GET /users HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Accept: application/json

Here, there are several parts. In the first line:

  • GET defines the HTTP method, GET indicates that we want to retrieve data, POST for example allows creating a resource.
  • /users defines the resource address, or simply the URL where we will fetch data.
  • HTTP/1.1 defines the protocol, here it's the HTTP protocol version 1.1.

Then, everything below is the header. It's a list of key-value pairs that define information about the request or response.

  • Host defines the server address
  • User-Agent defines the user agent (your browser data, etc.)
  • Accept defines the format you want to receive

You can have hundreds of Headers.

That's for the request, here's what the response might look like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Leanne Graham",
      "email": "",

Boom, this time we have a response, the first line as before describes:

  • The protocol HTTP/1.1
  • The status 200 OK

The status basically indicates the state of the response. It tells us if the request was processed correctly. What you need to look at is the first number:

  • 200 = OK
  • 400 = Bad request
  • 500 = Server error

There are many statuses.

Then there are the headers again, here there's only one that tells us the content type of the response:

  • Content-Type: application/json

And finally, finally, there's the response, the content, the JSON that contains all the information we want.

You can easily see all this in the browser:

HTTP Rules

We've seen that HTTP is just text, which is unsettling. Now this text contains several parameters that we'll see together.

The Method

The HTTP method defines an action you want to perform.

  • GET = Retrieve data
  • POST = Create a resource
  • PUT = Modify a resource
  • DELETE = Delete a resource
  • PATCH = Partially modify a resource

It's important to know that these methods are best practices to follow, but they don't change the result.

The purpose of these methods is just to allow you, by going to the same URL, to make GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH requests.

Without them, you would have to create URLs like:

  • /users/1/delete
  • /users/1/update

Whereas you can just do:

  • DELETE: /users/1
  • PUT: /users/1

This allows for a simpler "resource" system to manage.

The Path

The URL is really the address. By default, websites work with routing with URLs like:

  • /users
  • /users/1
  • /users/1/update

Etc... the same thing when you go on Twitter, you'll notice that the URLs you have in your bar look like:

  • /home
  • /tweets/32320rdnldsnogs

All this allows for routing, on the backend there are lots of if statements (libraries usually handle this) that do:

if (url.pathname === '/users') {
  if (url.method === 'GET') {
    // Retrieve all users
  if (url.method === 'POST') {
    // Create a user

// ...

The Status

It's the simplest way to communicate the state of the response. There are many possible statuses, but the most important is the first number:

  • 100 = Continue
  • 200 = OK
  • 300 = Redirection
  • 400 = Bad request
  • 500 = Server error

You can see it like this:

These statuses allow your client, the one sending the request, to know the state of the response.

The Body

Finally, the body, like everything else, is just a string of characters. To understand it, we use the Headers that define its type.

Depending on this type, the frontend handles the response.

It's important to know that generally, the body is "streamed" which is why in JavaScript you do this with fetch:

const response = await fetch('');
const json = await response.json();

It often happens that the backend sends the response before the body is complete.

By doing await response.json() you're telling the frontend to "wait until the body is complete".

The Headers

Headers are information sent by the server. They are used to describe the content of the response.

Here are some headers you might encounter:

  • Content-Type = The content type of the response
  • Content-Length = The size of the response content
  • Content-Encoding = The encoding type of the response content
  • Content-Disposition = The disposition type of the response content
  • Content-Language = The language of the response content
  • an infinite number of others

It's important to know that you can communicate any information via the headers.


Now that you understand the basics of the HTTP protocol, let's see how to use this knowledge to perform a fetch request in JavaScript. Fetch is a modern API that allows you to make HTTP requests in a simple and efficient way.

Example of a fetch Request

To make a fetch request, you'll use the fetch() method which is native in modern browsers. Here's an example of how you might retrieve data from an API:

const fetchData = async () => {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('', {
      method: 'GET', // The HTTP method
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json', // The content type you want to receive
        'Content-Type': 'application/json', // The content type you send

    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);

    const data = await response.json(); // Convert the response to JSON
    console.log(data); // Display the data in the console
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);


Breakdown of the Request

  1. URL: This is the address of the API you want to query. In this example, it's

  2. Method: The HTTP method you're using. Here, it's GET because you want to retrieve data.

  3. Headers: These are additional pieces of information you send with your request. In this example, you specify that you accept JSON and that you send JSON.

  4. Error Handling: Use response.ok to check if the request was successful. If not, you throw an error with the HTTP status.

  5. Response Conversion: Use await response.json() to convert the response into a JavaScript object.

Why Use fetch?

Fetch is asynchronous and uses Promises, allowing you to handle requests in a non-blocking manner. This means your application can continue to function while the request is in progress, which is essential for a good user experience.

By using fetch, you can easily interact with APIs and retrieve data to display in your application. It's a powerful tool for any web developer.

By the way, I have a free course for you, it's BeginWeb to get you started right:

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